Runners in Recovery With Bob Balfour

This week's podcast finds Coach Blu speaking with Bob Balfour, a pillar in his community, working his way through life by serving others who have been affected by addiction, are pursuing recovery, and building bridges between law enforcement and the recovery community. 

Bob speaks about his childhood, situational issues through family systems that sidetracked his progression. Bob comes with a powerful history of seeing both sides of addiction, the consequences, and redemption. He talks about going from addict to ultrarunner and Ironman. Then turning his attention to health and wellness through running, coaching, and building others to do the same. Bob has truly become Boston-strong.

Bob is a storyteller, and as you listen to his life, you'll understand why he was also able to build a relationship with Coach David Clark, as Bob was a crucial mentor through David's Boston quad experience. 

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One on One With Coach Blu: Anxiety and Divorce


One on One With Coach Blu: The Basics