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Being a family member or loved one of someone who struggles with addiction can be extremely trying. There are many different sources out there that can be conflicting on how to best work with a loved one and addiction can be difficult to navigate. The founders are professionals who have worked in the field for many years. Let us help you understand how to best help yourself or your loved one move from addict to athlete and more. We can help whether it is through treatment, counseling, coaching, or support. Schedule a session HERE.

We are inclusive to all individuals. We don’t separate those who are in recovery from those who have never suffered. We recognize that we can all learn from each other and the struggles we have been through. We utilize the family systems approach to encourage family participation. Our youth program is called the Minor League (18 and under) Families that play together will heal together.

Individual and family coaching and counseling with Coach Blu Robinson CMHC, SUDC. Mental health counseling through Blu Robinson Counseling LLC. Schedule HERE

COMING SOON: Online Recovery Support Program for family members as well as those seeking recovery. Learn ways to better deal with life challenges, communication, how to set healthy boundaries, addiction education, and more.


-How to Help a Drug-addicted Family Member or Loved One
-How to Talk to Addicted Family Members
-How Important is Family in Addiction Recovery
-How To Strengthen Families
-How To Talk To Your Teen About Drugs
-Conflict Resolution
-Building a Hometeam
-The Addicted Brain
-Is Addiction a Disease or Choice?
-What is Addiction?
-Words Matter-Terms to Use and Avoid
-Game Plan of Life
-Loss and Living: A Life With Purpose
-Broken Hearts Can Heal
-Love and Loss
-Problems With Rehab
-What You Need To Know Before Going To Rehab
-How To Find A Good Rehab
-What To Know About Divorce
-Addiction in the Elderly Population

Helpful BLOG posts

-How to help not enable a drug-addicted family member
-How to communicate with an addict
-What do you need to know when you or a loved one need addiction help?
-Understanding Marijuana Use in Teenagers: A Parent’s Guide
-It’s not about you
-The troops are not coming
-Will I get fired for going to rehab?
-Is long-term recovery possible
-5 Keys to a Healthy Relationship

Resources for Youth

- Podcast episodes hosted by a teen for teens and parents. Major League Podcast
- Sesame StreetParental Addiction- Resources for families struggling with a parent’s addiction Resource List
-CRAFFT- Age 12-21 screening tool for substance use and resources
-Youth Graphic Memoirs by Jarrett J. Krosoczka

Find more inspiration, hope, and education about addiction and recovery through our social media outlets (links at the bottom), our weekly Q&A call-in show, podcasts, blogs, and email. Join our FaceBook group.

Become a Patron and receive bonus educational content. Patreon is a fundraising platform. We have monthly donation tiers you can choose from to help us continue to create content. In return, you have access to additional podcasts and resources as well as exclusive gear.

Find a free support meeting here. Virtual options are available. Like and follow our Facebook Page for more information.