One on One With Coach Blu: 2020 CDC Overdose Report

On today's podcast Coach Blu takes an emotional deep dive into the new CDC report of overdose death rate increases in 2020. Listen as the coach passionately describes some of his own thoughts on why what is currently going on is not working. Flaws in the system, money-hungry people out to make their own wealth, and many other issues contribute to the ignorance being felt in the addiction recovery world.

The system is absolutely flawed and it's up to us to come up with solutions because the troops aren't coming. The new data reports deaths from drug overdoses in the U.S. soared by nearly 30% in 2020, reaching a record high of 93,331. This is the sharpest annual increase in at least three decades and reflects the increase of synthetic opioid fentanyl in the illegal narcotic supply and the pandemic's toll on the opioid crisis.

There is so much that needs to change that we need to all be collaborating together on how to do it. Because what is currently being done is obviously not working.

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