How To Help, Not Enable A Drug Addicted Family Member


Help not enable

Understand the addiction won’t go away on its own
Educate yourself on addiction and mental health issues
Put your needs first so that you are in a healthy place to be supportive
Allow them to experience consequences for their behavior (i.e. jail, loss of job)
Give love, not money
Give them space to take control of their own lives
Don’t do things for them that they can do for themselves
Don’t parent the individual, mostly if they are an adult, then become resentful about it
Find a support group and/or therapy for yourself
Set healthy boundaries
Stop making excuses for their behavior or yours
Support addiction treatment (inpatient, outpatient, private counseling)
Participate in family therapy

Related Podcast- How to Help a Drug Addicted Loved One
Related Information- Family member support resources


How To Communicate With An Addict


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