Intentional Walk by Corey Harrington

An intentional walk occurs when the defending team elects to walk a batter on purpose, putting him on first base instead of letting him try to hit. Intentional walks -- which count as a walk for the hitter and a walk allowed by the pitcher -- are an important strategy in the context of a game. They can be used to put a runner on first base, setting up a potential double play.

Listeners, today's podcast features Corey Harrington an inspiring man who had aspirations of playing professional baseball and due to some unfortunate experiences, made it as far as the minor league. But his story didn't end there. Listen as Coach Blu and Corey talk about the secrecy of addiction and the fear of letting other people know. Then intentionally walking into recovery by choosing to let others in. Personal accountability, a healthy dose of trust, and Corey has now been able to turn the mess into a message. Corey shares his story on athlete to addict to athlete and ultimately Ironman.

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